Welcome to my little site!

I'm not sure how you ended up here. Typically people land here because they're procrastinating. Many of you seem to be grad students, looking for something to distract you away from your thesis or dissertation work. Trust me--Been there, done that! Writing is hard work, man! But keep your chin up... You will get it done sooner or later. :)

Well, now that you got here, go explore and see what you can waste your time on.... Have fun while you're at it!

Jeannie :)


If you don't know who I am (not that I expect you to), this is a good place to start. Read up on who I am, where my favorite websites are, and other goodies.
Get your tips about traveling in Europe right here. They're all written based on personal experience so they're tried and true!
Photos, all photos, and nothing but photos.
MA Thesis
The magnum opus that allows me to add the initials "M.A." after my name.
As the reigning Queen of Procrastination, I declare this section to be an ongoing project, and may not be completed until the very last minute. Here's how I wrote 13-page essay in 23 hours back in grad school.
A miscellanea of stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

In Association with